2025 Tournament Opportunities in Huntsville
These tournaments are in no way affiliated with NAHA SOL. We are simply providing information regarding additional opportunities to play hockey.

League Update
Hi Everyone,
Just a little info and a couple of reminders.
Playoffs - SOL Playoffs for the 2024-25 Season are scheduled as follows:
- April 13th round 1 all divisions
- April 27th semifinals for 6 team divisions, and championship games for all divisions)
Summer 2025
I have started getting a few emails/questions about this years summer season. Currently the season is scheduled to start in June with registration opening in April.
- All subs need to be added to the roster by checking in with the scorekeeper prior to the game. There are numerous reasons for this, so please just do it. If you are a goalie...please double check with the captain that this has been done, I cannot change a goalie after the fact.
- Captains and alternate captains need to be checking the Game Sheet Tablet after your games, if there is a discrepancy let the scorekeeper know. If you are finding that a scorekeeper is completing the game before you get off the ice please let me know and we can address this.
- Scorekeepers are considered officials!! mouthing off to a scorekeeper or yelling derogatory remarks at them can earn you a game misconduct for abuse of an official. Just don't!!
There are a couple of upcoming team tournament opportunities coming to our rink. Both are "bring a team" and have multiple skill divisions. Neither of these is part of USAH or NAHA, but are great opportunities for everyone to put together a team and play some folks from out of town. I will add more information and links about both of these soon.
See you at the rink
Happy New Year and Welcome Back!
A couple of reminders for everyone....
- SOL starts back up tomorrow, Sunday January 5th!
- The rink has requested that everyone be reminded that there is no alcohol permitted in the parking lot or in the locker rooms. If you have an adult beverage prior to your game please dispose of the container outside of the locker room.
- The rink has started doing a few heavier cuts throughout the day, please do not get on the ice until until the scheduled time.... if you have a 4:00pm game and the zam is off at 3:55, do not get on the ice until 4:00. Scorekeepers will not start the warmup clock until your scheduled time.
Most of us have been off the ice since December 15th, please take some time to stretch before your game.... some great hockey stretches here:
Do good things, make wise choices.
League Updates
A few reminders for everyone...
We have had both scorekeepers and refs request that all players on the ice have a unique and visible number on the back of their jersey!! It makes their lives a whole lot easier when recording stats, and also assures that goals, assists and penalties are being assigned to the correct player. It is also a USA Hockey rule and is technically a bench minor to not comply with the uniform code.
If you did not take the time to read through the NAHA SOL Code of Conduct that you agreed to at registration, please make a point of doing so ASAP....you're here now, so this might be a good time...click on RESOURCES in the upper right corner of this page, and then on NAHA SOL Code of Conduct.
As we head into the holiday season keep an eye on the schedule. We will be playing the Sunday after Thanksgiving (December 1st) and our last game of 2024 will be Sunday December 15th. The league starts back up after the New Year on January 5th so enjoy the break!
Stephanie Jeffrey
SOL Director
Fall/Winter 2024-25 Season
Hello Everyone!
Rosters and schedules are up in GameSheet at this link: SOL 2024-25 Season Schedule
A couple of reminders regarding subs:
- Skater Subs – MUST BE REGISTERED FOR THE CURRENT SEASON OF SOL – NO EXCEPTIONS! Skater subs must also come from the Division subbing in or a lower Division and are subject to the approval of the opposing Captain. SOL does not register skaters as sub only.
- Goalie Subs – Preferably from same division or a lower division, also subject to the approval of the opposing Captain. SOL maintains a goalie sub list, if anyone is interested in being a sub-goalie and not a rostered goalie they can contact nahasoldirector@gmail.com for instructions on how to do this.
If you are new to SOL or need a refresher on Penalty Rules, including SOL supplemental rules, click on the "Resources" tab in the menu at the top. Additionally, we will be tracking suspensions on the website again this season. One final reminder, please please please be respectful to the Officials!
Let's have a great season!
Stephanie Jeffrey
SOL Director
NAHA Board of Directors
Summer SOL wrap Up
Thank you to everyone for participating in SOL this summer! We tried a few different things this year and had some great feedback on both full draft and three divisions. It sounds like a few of you are choosing to move up a division this fall based on your experience this summer, this is awesome!
This year we will be again taking part in the end of summer Cross League Challenge games that will be played on Sunday September 15th.
Congratulations to the Upper Division Northern Lites who will play the HAHL Goal Diggers on September 15th at 5:15pm
Congratulations to the Middle Division Flamingos who will play the HAHL Steel Bandits on September 15th at 4:00pm
First, thank you to everyone for a great season! The 2023-24 season finished up with an awesome great tournament style playoff weekend, a couple of upsets and maybe a dynasty in the making? Whether you made it to the Championship game and won or got knocked out in the first round, it was a great weekend of hockey, and if you had fun, you won! Congrats to EVERYONE!
It's time to take a short break before Summer Season starts up, rest up and spend some quality time with your non-hockey family. Information about summer session is below.
Thank you to the Division Coordinators and Committee Reps, your help and input is appreciated!
A huge thank you to my Deputy Director Tommy Blackwell for helping plan and make things happen.
SOL Director
NAHA Board Member
2023-24 A Division Champions - The Gumps

2023-24 B Division Champions - Mighty Gumps

2023-24 C1 Division Champions - The Bandits

2023-24 C2 Champions - Crush

2023-24 Over 40 Champions - Letco

Summer 2024 Cross League Games

Summer 2024 Upper Division Cross League Championship Teams. SOL Northern Lites and HAHL Silver Goal Diggers.

Upper Champs Northern Lites
Summer 2023 Middle Division Cross League Championship Teams. SOL Flamingos and HAHL Steel Division Bandits.

Middle Champs Bandits